Chemical formula: CuZn. This product is available in two modifications: (1) Cu/Zn(60/40) and (2) Cu/Zn(80/20). This powder is produced using electric explosion of metallic wire in argon and then packaged in glass ampoules under inert atmosphere. Nanocat® Brass Powder Dry finds its application in materials sciences.
Chemical formula: In; readily flammable solid. This powder was prepared by electric explosion of a metallic wire in argon. It was then packaged in glass ampoules under inert atmosphere. Field of application: electronics.
Chemical formula: Zn. Spontaneously flammable when exposed to water. This powder was prepared by electric explosion of a metallic wire in argon. It was then packaged in glass ampoules. Zinc powder finds its application in materials sciences and electronics.
Chemical formula: W. This powder is produced using electric explosion of metallic wire in air and then packaged in glass ampoules in argon atmosphere. Tungsten powder can be used in materials sciences and electronics.
Synonym: Nitinol. Chemical name: nickel iron powder; chemical formula: powder – Ni-Fe. This powder was prepared by electric explosion of a metallic wire in argon, wetted by hexane, and packaged in glass ampoules or bottles. Nanocat® Nickel/Iron Alloy powder may be applied in catalysis and materials science.